RockDaisy is excited to announce the latest addition to our growing list of customers – Concierge Testing Solutions “CTS” a Dallas-based company specializing in customized COVID-19 Virus testing programs to suit your needs. Their overall mission is “Unmasking COVID-19”. CTS’s five – principles of unmasking expose the invisible threat of COVID-19 which is epitomized by their company motto – the more you LEARN, the more you KNOW, the more you Do. This is first achieved by capturing a comprehensive Pre-Test and Test Results data sets through a concierge testing platform at their client’s sites.
Then, RockDaisy’s innovative data aggregation and visualization platform steps in to enable CTS to fully leverage that information with highly customizable, easy-to-use, and insightful executive dashboards and reporting tools to support your Return-to-Work decision making to re-open safely in a manner that protects your business and your employees.
Going forward, we at RockDaisy are excited to continue enabling our existing and future customers to fully leverage their data and share many of these newly developed features.
About Concierge Testing Solutions (www.ctslabco.com), Concierge Testing Solutions’ empirical approach to CoV-19 testing establishes a baseline from which we can begin to gather information and learn from. Our primary goal is understanding our clients testing objectives and then delivering a program to establish credibility and confidence in a process that will get those your responsible for back to work safely and quickly.
About RockDaisy LLC (www.rockdaisy.com)
RockDaisy is a data visualization and reporting platform created by RockDaisy, LLC. The platform connects easily to several data sources and provides rapid insights by transforming data into reports and dashboards that are sleek, customizable and interactive.